School Violence



Teacher punishing a kindergarten student in schoolImage

In Canada, there are many violence going on school the main violence that many school’s have is bullying. Bulling in school like grade 12 kids bulling the grade 9 kids in many schools that happens especially in the schools in Brampton. Another important violence what happen in school are sexual harassment, many of the girls in school get sexually harassed like guys taking nudity pictures of girls and sending it to others.Another violence in school is drug, many people bring drugs to school and sell it to other students. But, comparing to bullying the sexual harassment, and drugs are nothing. The word School violence came after the violence’s from the teachers and the administrator because the teachers give punishment to their students for their mistakes. They also beat the students as an punishment. The charity village is a charity that stops against school violence in Canada.

ImageSexual harassment in school

Selling drugs in school to studentsImage

ImageBullying in school

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